Perfect LinkedIn integration for Copper
- Instantly see which LinkedIn profiles are already in your Copper CRM and which are not
- View/edit existing profiles, including Tasks, Events and Pipelines
- Hide/show and rearrange the fields in the profile view for your convenience

- Instantly save LinkedIn profiles to your Copper CRM
- Choose which information you would like to save and how
- Automatically save your LinkedIn conversations into your Copper CRM as Notes
- In case a LinkedIn profile was updated. LinkMatch will show you the changes and offer to update those changes straight into your Copper CRM
- Automatically create Events and Tasks in Copper CRM populated with the configured information from LinkedIn profile
- Sync your your LinkedIn conversations with your Copper CRM

AI Insights
- Identify decision-makers and key influencers instantly, helping you target the right people
- Analyze communication styles to personalize your outreach for better engagement rates
- Get quick prospect summaries and use custom prompts for deal-specific insights

Alison Parker
Developer at Apple

Peter Black
HR Director
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