Frequently Asked Questions about LinkMatch for Pipedrive
Last updated on July 09, 2023
Can LinkMatch save my messages in my Pipedrive as activities?
Yes, this feature is available in our Pro plan
Can I create a Pipedrive deal with LinkMatch from LinkedIn?
Yes, just click "Add New Deal" or "Add to existing Deal" in LinkMatch popup when saving the Profile.
Can I create an Activity/Note for Pipedrive lead on LinkedIn?
Yes, just click "Add New Activity" or "Add New Note" in LinkMatch popup when saving the Profile.
Can I see the Deal details (pipeline stage, notes etc..) of the Lead with LinkMatch?
Sure, just click "Show" in the Deals field and then select the needed Deal
Can LinkMatch automatically create Deal for each Lead that I save?
Yes, this feature is available in our Pro plan
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