Key Takeaways:

  1. Evaluate your job ads’ effectiveness by monitoring the number of applications per post.
  2. Use metrics like profile views and interactions to optimize candidate engagement and reduce time-to-hire.
  3. Identify the best recruitment channels by tracking where your top candidates are coming from.

Think of recruitment as a puzzle. Each piece represents job postings, interviews, and candidate outreach. You’ve got most of the pieces in place, but there’s one critical piece missing: analytics. This may make the entire hiring strategy can feel disjointed, no matter how well you craft job descriptions or screen candidates.

On Xing, access to detailed recruitment metrics can make or break your hiring process. Did you know that in 2023, over 22 million professionals were actively using Xing in the DACH region? That’s a vast talent pool, but without tracking application rates, time-to-hire, and candidate engagement, you’re just guessing which strategies work.

Recruiting must leverage data at every step to stay competitive in talent acquisition. In this post, we’ll explore how you can use Xing recruitment metrics to fine-tune your hiring strategies and solve that final piece of the recruiting puzzle.

Understanding Xing Recruitment Metrics

What Are Recruitment Metrics?

With 75% of talent professionals agreeing that analytics will play a critical role in shaping the future of recruitment, it’s clear that relying on data is no longer optional—it’s a necessity. 

Recruitment metrics are essential data points that measure the effectiveness of your hiring process, providing clear insights into what’s working and where improvements are needed. 

Key Metrics to Track on Xing

Application Rates

Tracking applications on Xing is simple with the TalentManager and Job Statistics tools. To monitor this, go to the job post’s “Job performance” section. Here, you can view key metrics such as impressions (how often the ad is shown), views, apply intents (clicks on “Apply Now”), and the total number of applications submitted through Xing. These insights allow you to assess how well your job ad is attracting candidates and adjust strategies accordingly.

Candidate Engagement

Metrics like profile views and interaction rates are essential to track candidate engagement on Xing. Using tools like Onlyfy TalentManager and the Job Statistics section, you can monitor how many candidates view your profile and job ads, providing valuable insights into their interests. Key engagement metrics include message responses, job ad interactions, and application clicks. 

The Onlyfy platform offers customizable reports, helping recruiters analyze engagement data and optimize their outreach strategies for better results.​ 

Candidates Involvement


On Xing, time-to-hire refers to the duration from when a job is posted to when the successful candidate accepts the offer. To calculate this metric, you can use the tools provided within Onlyfy TalentManager and the Reports section:

  1. Start Date: The calculation begins when the job ad is published on Xing.
  2. End Date: The metric ends when the candidate’s status is updated to “Hired” in the system.
  3. Tracking Tools: Use the Reports feature to access predefined or custom analyses. This allows you to measure the time applicants spend at various.

By analyzing the time-to-hire, recruiters can identify bottlenecks in their process and make adjustments to improve efficiency.

Quality of Hire

Assessing the quality of hire on Xing involves evaluating how well a new employee fits into the organization and their contribution over time. Two key metrics used are retention rates and performance evaluations.

  1. Retention Rates: Track how long new hires stay with the company. In Onlyfy TalentManager, you can monitor whether new hires remain with the company after specific periods (e.g., 6 or 12 months). High retention rates often indicate a good match between the hire and the organization.
  2. Performance Evaluations: While performance metrics are typically assessed internally, Xing allows integration with external HR tools where performance reviews can be linked with hiring data. This helps analyze whether candidates sourced from Xing perform well in their roles. You can also create custom reports to measure performance trends over time

Source of Hire

Under the Job Performance section, you can see which channels (e.g., Xing, external job boards, social media) drive the most traffic to your job ads. Metrics such as application intents and applications submitted provide insight into how effectively each source attracts candidates.

In the Reports section, you can create custom reports to analyze the performance of different sources, such as job application acquisition channels and job application source inputs. This allows you to compare the success rates of various channels, helping you allocate resources more effectively.

Better Recruiting on Xing with LinkMatch

LinkMatch is a browser extension that integrates seamlessly with Xing, automating candidate data entry into your CRM or ATS. As you browse Xing profiles, LinkMatch automatically syncs candidate details, reducing manual work and ensuring accurate records.

By automating data logging, LinkMatch improves the tracking of key recruitment metrics like time-to-hire, application rates, and source of hire. This makes it easier to analyze your hiring pipeline while keeping all candidate information centralized.

For HR professionals, LinkMatch enhances efficiency by saving time on administrative tasks and enabling better candidate matching through your CRM. Ready to make your recruiting process smoother? Try LinkMatch today to boost your Xing recruitment efforts!


In this article, we’ve explored how tracking key recruitment metrics on Xing, such as application rates, candidate engagement, time-to-hire, quality of hire, and source of hire, can significantly improve your hiring strategies. By utilizing tools like Onlyfy TalentManager and generating detailed reports, you gain valuable insights to optimize every step of your recruitment process.

FAQs: Analyzing Xing Recruitment Metrics

What are Xing recruitment metrics, and why are they important?

Xing recruitment metrics are data points that measure the effectiveness of your hiring strategies on Xing. These include metrics like application rates, candidate engagement, time-to-hire, and source of hire. Tracking these metrics is crucial for optimizing your recruitment process, improving talent acquisition, and making data-driven decisions that enhance hiring efficiency and quality.

How can I track application rates on Xing?

Application rates on Xing can be tracked using the Onlyfy TalentManager and Job Statistics tools. These features allow you to monitor the number of views, apply intents, and submitted applications per job post, helping you understand how well your job ads perform and where improvements can be made.

What metrics should I focus on to improve my Xing hiring strategies?

To enhance your hiring strategies on Xing, focus on key metrics like candidate engagement (profile views and interactions), time-to-hire (how long it takes to fill a position), and source of hire (which channels bring the most qualified candidates). These metrics will help you identify bottlenecks and optimize your recruitment process.

How does LinkMatch help in tracking recruitment metrics on Xing?

LinkMatch integrates with Xing and automates data entry into your CRM or ATS, making tracking and analyzing recruitment metrics easier. Logging candidate interactions automatically improves accuracy and efficiency, helping recruiters better understand key metrics like application rates, candidate engagement, and source performance.

How can I improve talent acquisition using HR analytics on Xing?

You can improve talent acquisition on Xing by leveraging HR analytics to track metrics such as time-to-hire, quality of hire, and source performance. These insights allow you to identify trends, streamline your recruitment process, and focus on the most effective channels and strategies, leading to better candidate matches and faster hires.

Written by
check LinkMatch Team
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