This article is part of the comprehensive LinkedIn Sales Navigator Guide. Read our related content on LinkedIn’s CRM Integration for Sales Management, LinkedIn Groups for Sales Collaboration, LinkedIn Ads for Sales Campaigns, LinkedIn Stories and Live Features, LinkedIn Analytics for Sales, LinkedIn Learning for Sales Teams, Sales Content with LinkedIn Publishing Platform, and on LinkedIn Events.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding LinkedIn’s feed algorithms can dramatically improve your visibility and engagement, making it a must-know for sales professionals and social selling experts.
  • From creating engaging content to maintaining a consistent posting schedule, there are several strategies to gain favor with LinkedIn’s algorithms.
  • Monitoring KPIs and making data-driven adjustments to your LinkedIn strategy are crucial for ongoing success.

Ever caught yourself wondering why some LinkedIn posts go viral while others barely gather a few likes? It’s not mere luck. It has a lot to do with how LinkedIn’s feed algorithms work.

LinkedIn isn’t just another social media platform; it’s an ecosystem teeming with potential clients, business partners, and opportunities. This makes your visibility and reach on LinkedIn critical for your sales efforts. 

This article delves into LinkedIn’s algorithms and offers practical strategies to enhance your online presence. Ready to dig in? Let’s go!

Understanding LinkedIn’s Feed Algorithms

How Algorithms Function

Algorithms work by sorting and displaying content in your LinkedIn feed based on what you are most likely to engage with. In simple terms, they analyze your actions, preferences, and connections to show you the most relevant posts.

Criteria Used by LinkedIn’s Algorithms

LinkedIn’s algorithms use specific criteria to decide which posts appear in your feed. These criteria include three main factors: relevance, engagement, and timeliness. 

Here is a more detailed explanation of these three factors:


Let’s start with relevance. LinkedIn is interested in displaying content that matches your professional interests, skills, and industry. This ensures that you’re not getting posts about gardening when you’re an IT professional (unless, of course, you’re into that sort of thing).

  • Keywords: LinkedIn’s algorithms scan the posts for keywords that align with your profile information and past interactions. If you often engage with posts about digital marketing, for instance, the algorithm will serve you more of such content.
  • Industry News and Updates: The algorithms also consider the current trends and updates in your industry. Whether it’s a new technology in AI or a shakeup in the marketing world, you’re likely to see these topics pop up in your feed.
  • Your Network’s Activity: If a lot of people in your network are talking about a particular topic, the algorithm surmises that you might be interested in it too.


If relevance is the “what,” then engagement is the “how much.” It’s not enough for a post to be relevant; it needs to inspire action—likes, comments, shares, etc.

  • Initial Engagement: Posts that get rapid initial engagement have a higher likelihood of being displayed more broadly. That’s why you’ll often see posts that are only a few hours old but already have a good number of likes and comments.
  • Quality of Engagement: Not all interactions are created equal. A thoughtful comment holds more weight than a simple like. Moreover, the depth of the engagement matters too. For example, a post that spurs a discussion thread will be favored more.
  • Virality: This is the snowball effect. If a post keeps receiving engagement over time, the algorithm keeps it circulating for longer. That’s why some posts seem to appear in your feed for days.


Time is of the essence in the world of algorithms. While LinkedIn doesn’t operate in real-time like Twitter, it still places a high value on fresh content.

  • Recency: Posts that are recent are more likely to appear at the top of your feed, especially if they’ve already garnered some engagement.
  • Time-sensitive Posts: If there’s an ongoing industry event, conference, or breaking news, these posts are likely to get a boost for being timely.
  • User Activity: If you’re active on LinkedIn during a specific time, the algorithm tries to serve you the freshest content available during that period.

Understanding these key factors can provide a strategic edge in your LinkedIn game. So the next time you post or interact on LinkedIn, remember that you’re not just tossing a message in a bottle into the ocean—you’re actually communicating with a system designed to help your content find its intended audience.

Strategies to Optimize Your LinkedIn Feed

Creating Engaging Content

Think of high-value articles, industry insights, and even problem-solving tips related to your field. The more engaging your content, the more the algorithm will favor you.

The Magic of Hashtags and Mentions

Hashtags aren’t just for Instagram, and mentions aren’t just for Twitter. Used right, they can be the spice that adds flavor to your LinkedIn feed.

For hashtags, focus on those directly linked to your industry or content. Going overboard with 20 hashtags won’t help; pick 3 to 5 that really matter. As for mentions, tagging relevant people or companies can not only get you noticed but also expand your content’s reach beyond your immediate network.

Frequency and Timing of Posts

You may wonder, “How often should I post?” Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a general rule of thumb is a few times per week. As for timing, posting during business hours is usually best, since LinkedIn is a professional platform.

The Role of Networking and Engagement

Building a Quality Network

LinkedIn is a social network, so be, well, social! The algorithms take into account your interactions with your connections. This means that networking isn’t just beneficial—it’s crucial. Connect with people in your industry, engage with their content, and watch as your visibility starts to climb.

Engage, Don’t Just Post

Posting quality content is great, but don’t forget to engage with others’ content too. Liking, commenting, and sharing are the trifecta of engagement that LinkedIn’s algorithms adore. So, next time you see a post that interests you, don’t just scroll past it—engage!

Best Practices for Optimizing LinkedIn Algorithms

Consistency is Key

You wouldn’t work out once and expect to run a marathon, right? The same goes for LinkedIn; consistent posting and engagement help you build momentum and gain the algorithm’s favor over time.

Optimize Visual Content

Visuals are like the icing on your content cake. They grab attention and encourage interaction. Whether it’s infographics, videos, or slideshows, visual content can significantly boost your engagement, thus tipping the algorithmic scales in your favor.

Balancing Professional and Personal Content

Why not spice up your feed by mixing professional accomplishments with some personal anecdotes or interests? This balanced approach makes you more relatable, and people are more likely to engage with someone they can relate to.

Analytics and Adjustments

Don’t just post and pray. Monitor your LinkedIn analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Use this data to adjust your strategy, fine-tune your posting schedule, and even experiment with different types of content.

Measuring and Analyzing Your Success

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Track metrics like engagement rates, impressions, and follower growth to measure your success. There are various tools available to help you track these KPIs, from LinkedIn’s built-in analytics to third-party platforms.

A/B Testing and Ongoing Adjustments

Data is your friend, and A/B testing is how you make the most of that friendship. Regularly run tests to compare different types of posts, times of day, or engagement strategies. Use what you learn to refine your approach continually.


In the cutthroat realm of sales, standing out on LinkedIn can be a game-changer. By understanding and leveraging LinkedIn’s feed algorithms, you’re not just shouting into the void; you’re building meaningful connections and fostering engagement that translates into business success. So gear up, strategize, and take your LinkedIn game to the next level.

FAQs: Strategies for Enhancing Visibility and Reach with LinkedIn’s Feed Algorithms

What are LinkedIn’s feed algorithms?

LinkedIn’s feed algorithms determine which posts appear on your feed. They prioritize content based on relevance to your profile, level of engagement, and timeliness.

How do relevance and engagement affect LinkedIn’s algorithms?

Relevance considers factors like industry news and keywords that align with your profile. Engagement focuses on likes, comments, and shares a post receives, including the depth and quality of these interactions.

What role does timeliness play in LinkedIn’s feed algorithms?

Timeliness matters because recent or time-sensitive posts get more visibility. The algorithms aim to show you fresh content that has gained initial engagement.

How can I optimize my posts for LinkedIn’s algorithms?

To optimize your posts, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content. Use relevant hashtags, mention appropriate people, and maintain a consistent posting schedule. Also, engage with posts from your network.

What metrics should I track to measure my LinkedIn performance?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) include engagement rates, follower growth, and impressions. Utilize LinkedIn’s analytics or third-party tools to track these metrics and make data-driven adjustments.

Written by
check LinkMatch Team
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