This article is part of the comprehensive guide on Mastering LinkedIn Lead Generation: A Comprehensive Guide. Read our related content on Maximizing LinkedIn Events for Lead Generation, LinkedIn Polls and Surveys for Engagement and Leads, Personalized Lead Generation Through LinkedIn Stories, Building a Lead Generation Focused LinkedIn Newsletter, Leveraging LinkedIn Live for Real-Time Engagement, Effective Follow-Up Strategies on LinkedIn, Collaborating with LinkedIn Influencers, and Optimizing for LinkedIn’s Algorithm.

Key Takeaways:

  • Video content on LinkedIn offers higher engagement and conversion potential than traditional formats, making it a powerful tool for sales professionals.
  • A strategic approach to LinkedIn video content involves defining clear goals, understanding your audience, choosing engaging topics and formats, and optimizing for maximum reach and engagement.
  • Measuring the success of your video content through relevant metrics allows for continuous improvement and better alignment with your business objectives.

Online engagement’s currency is not just the content itself but its format. Amidst LinkedIn’s professional ecosystem, video content has emerged as a powerful tool, transcending traditional text and image posts in both reach and impact. 

This article is your compass for LinkedIn video content, offering actionable tips for sales professionals eager to create videos that capture attention, encourage shares, and lead to tangible leads. 

Let’s embark on a journey to explore how you can leverage video content to elevate your LinkedIn presence, drawing from a mix of topics, formats, and promotion strategies.

The Power of LinkedIn Video Content for Sales Professionals

The dynamism of video content is undeniable. It combines visual stimuli with auditory cues, creating a rich, immersive experience that grabs attention in a way static text or images struggle to match. For sales professionals on LinkedIn, this translates to higher engagement rates and the potential for increased conversion. Videos convey personality and expertise, making them an invaluable tool in building trust and authority within your network.

New research found that online video drove 82.5% of web traffic in 2023.

The same report mentions that 25% of companies are using video as part of their marketing strategy, and another study from Social Insider found that the average video view rate is 14.46%. Publer mentioned that the average watch time on LinkedIn is one minute. 

Crafting Your LinkedIn Video Content Strategy

Before you hit the record button, let’s lay the groundwork with a strategic approach to your video content.

Defining Your Video Content Goals

What’s your endgame? It’s pivotal to identify clear objectives—be they lead generation, brand awareness, or establishing thought leadership. Your goals will shape everything from the content of your videos to how you promote them.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Identify Your Broader Business Objectives

Start by aligning your video content goals with your overall business objectives. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, boost sales, or establish thought leadership, your video content should serve as a direct conduit to these larger aims. This alignment ensures that your efforts contribute meaningfully to your business’s growth and direction.

Types of Goals: Increase brand visibility, drive website traffic, and enhance customer engagement.

  1. Understand Your Audience’s Needs and Preferences

Knowing your audience is crucial. Gather insights into their challenges, interests, and preferences. This information will guide you in creating content that resonates, provides value, and addresses their needs or questions.

Types of Goals: Tailor content to address common questions, showcase solutions to industry-specific challenges, and provide valuable insights and tips.

  1. Set Specific, Measurable Objectives

Your goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This clarity will guide your content creation efforts and enable you to track your progress effectively.

Types of Goals: Generate X leads per month from video content, achieve a video view rate of Y%, and increase the number of LinkedIn followers by Z% in 6 months.

  1. Choose Metrics to Track Success

Define which metrics will indicate success for each of your goals. These could range from engagement rates (likes, shares, comments) to more concrete metrics like lead generation rates or the number of views and how they translate to website visits.

Types of Goals: Enhance engagement rates by X%, increase conversion rates from video views to leads by Y%, and improve the click-through rate to the landing page by Z%.

Identifying Your Target Audience on LinkedIn

Understanding who you’re talking to ensures your message hits home. Tailor your video content to meet the preferences and needs of your target LinkedIn audience, considering their industry, role, and interests.

You can use these three questions to guide your search:

  1. Who benefits most from your product or services?
  2. What are their pain points and goals?
  3. Where do they spend their time on LinkedIn?

Tips for Producing High-Quality LinkedIn Videos

Crafting high-quality LinkedIn videos is simpler than you might think. Here are four concise tips to boost the professionalism of your video content:

  1. Invest in Good Audio

Clear audio is non-negotiable. A quality external microphone can drastically improve your video by ensuring your voice is crisp and clear, without background noise.

  1. Use Natural Light

Good lighting elevates video quality. Film in daylight, positioning yourself so the light source faces you, brightening your features without expensive equipment.

  1. Simplify Your Background

A cluttered background distracts viewers. Opt for a clean, professional backdrop, like a plain wall or a neatly arranged bookshelf, to keep focus on you.

  1. Stabilize Your Camera

Avoid shaky footage with a stable setup. Use a tripod or rest your camera on a steady surface to maintain smooth, professional-looking video.

Engaging Topics for LinkedIn Video Content

However, having qualitative videos isn’t about the setup but about the topics you want to cover. 

Here are some strategies to pinpoint topics that resonate:

  1. Industry Trends

Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in your industry. Sharing insights or analyses on emerging trends positions you as a thought leader and keeps your content relevant.

  1. Common Challenges

Identify common problems or challenges faced by professionals in your field. Offering solutions or tips to overcome these hurdles demonstrates your expertise and adds value to your audience.

  1. Success Stories

Share case studies or success stories, whether it’s about overcoming professional obstacles or achieving significant milestones. These stories inspire and can often provide practical lessons.

  1. Q&A Sessions

Engage directly with your audience by hosting Q&A sessions. Address frequently asked questions or hot topics in your industry. This not only tailors your content to viewer interests but also boosts interaction.

Formats That Shine on LinkedIn

Another thing you should consider is the format.

  1. Explainer Videos

Break down complex products or services into digestible, easy-to-understand explanations. These videos can highlight benefits and uses, helping demystify offerings for potential clients.

  1. Testimonials

Showcase satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your product or service. Testimonials build trust and credibility among your LinkedIn audience.

  1. Product Demos

Give a hands-on look at how your product works, showcasing its features and benefits. This format can be particularly persuasive by providing a practical demonstration of value.

Promoting Your LinkedIn Video Content for Maximum Reach

Optimizing Your Videos for LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Optimize titles and descriptions and use relevant hashtags to make your content more discoverable. A compelling opening, both visually and in your video’s first few seconds, can also encourage viewers to keep watching.

Leveraging Your Network for Video Shares and Engagement

Don’t shy away from engaging with your network. Encourage comments, shares, and likes to increase your video’s visibility. Tagging collaborators and mentioning key insights can also spur engagement.

Measuring the Success of Your LinkedIn Video Content

Success isn’t just in the content; it’s in the analysis. Track metrics such as views, engagement rates, and lead generation to evaluate the performance of your videos. This data is invaluable in refining your strategy over time.


Embracing video content on LinkedIn is about taking a proactive step towards enhancing your professional brand, engaging your network, and generating leads. The actionable tips provided here serve as a guide to reach your intended audience and achieve your business objectives. Now, it’s your turn to take the spotlight and transform your LinkedIn strategy with the power of video content.

FAQs: Creating Engaging LinkedIn Video Content

Why is video content important on LinkedIn?

Video content on LinkedIn can significantly increase engagement and lead generation compared to traditional text or image posts by providing a more dynamic and interactive way to share information and stories.

How can I make my LinkedIn video content stand out?

To make your LinkedIn video content stand out, focus on high-quality audio and visuals, ensure the content provides value, and tailor it to the interests and needs of your target audience.

 What are the best practices for LinkedIn video length?

The best practices for LinkedIn video length suggest keeping your videos short and engaging, ideally under 2 minutes, to maintain viewer attention and encourage higher engagement rates.

How do I measure the success of my LinkedIn video content?

Measure the success of your LinkedIn video content by tracking metrics such as views, likes, shares, comments, and conversion rates, allowing you to adjust your strategy for better performance.

Written by
check LinkMatch Team
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