This article is part of the comprehensive guide on different Types of Interviews. Read our related content on Face-to-Face Interviews, Phone Interviews, Video Interviews, and Behavioral Interviews.

Discover the dynamic world of panel interviews, a strategic approach employed by recruiters to harness diverse perspectives and gather invaluable feedback from multiple stakeholders in the hiring process.

In this article, we cover the main benefits and challenges of panel interviews, along with tips and tricks for setting up a successful interview. 

Understanding Panel Interviews

The key step in assessing if panel interviews are the right evaluation tool or not is to understand the benefits and challenges. 

Benefits of panel interviews for recruiting agencies

The first benefit of panel interviews is that it allows recruiting agencies to get a deeper understanding and a comprehensive assessment of the candidate. Having multiple panel members with different backgrounds increase the chances of getting more insights and feedback about the candidate’s fit with the role and organization.

Secondly, panel interviews reduce personal biases and improve objectivity. We mentioned in our previous articles dedicated to one-to-one interviews and video interviews that the biggest challenge with these interview formats is that they create a fertile ground for biases. Panel interviews ensure candidates are evaluated based on merit and expertise rather than personal preferences. 

Thirdly, panel interviews can help build team spirit within the recruiting agency. People that work and go through different processes together tend to get closer. This leads to improvement in the team’s morale and boosts productivity. 

Comparison to other interview formats

Since there are so many interview formats, it might get challenging for recruiters to select the one that best suits the context. 

Panel interviews are great whenever recruiters are searching for executive roles or when the job implies collaboration with various departments.

In one-to-one interviews, only one person interacts with the candidate, which may not be as efficient in selecting the best talent as the collaborative nature of panel interviews. In panel interviews, multiple individuals come together to assess candidates, enabling a more comprehensive evaluation and higher chances of identifying the top talent.

Also, another interview format is video. This can be done one-to-one or as a panel. The challenge with video panel interviews is the technical setup and the intimidating environment it might create for the candidate. 

However, if the recruiter only needs screening, the best format is phone interviews. This shouldn’t be done in a panel since it can create confusion and a poor candidate experience. 

The Role of Diverse Perspectives

As you can see, panel interviews have many benefits. However, one key aspect must be taken into account to ensure the best results. That is diversity. 

Since one of the greatest benefits of having panel interviews is being able to get various perspectives at the table, having a diverse group of people with different backgrounds and work experience is mandatory.  

This will enhance the decision-making process by evaluating the candidate from different angles. 

Setting Up a Successful Panel Interview

Nonetheless, to make sure recruiters get the best results from using panel interviews, there are 4 stages they should follow.

Selecting Panel Members

The first stage is to select the panel members. Panel members should be chosen based on criteria that are relevant to the role they are recruiting for. Moreover, don’t forget that we mentioned diversity. One of the criteria should be to get to the table a diverse group of people that can ensure an unbiased evaluation process. 

If you are a recruiting agency it is your responsibility to organize training and raise awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion in the recruitment process. 

Establishing a Clear Evaluation Framework

The downside of having many minds at the same table is that they come with their vision that might be in disagreement with another recruiter’s vision. To avoid having endless conversations recruiters should clearly define the evaluation criteria and job requirements before starting the interview. 

Moreover, to ensure consistency in the evaluation standards it is best to create a structured interview set of questions that the panel will follow for each candidate.

Conducting the Panel Interview

Once the previous stages are done, the focus should be on conducting the panel interview. 

There are a couple of things that we recommend here. 

One of them is to designate a panel chair or moderator. Someone who ensures everyone has equal participation in the interview and can manage time and encourage open discussions. 

Moreover, before starting the interview it is essential that everyone has the same understanding of what their role is and what they should follow. 

Documenting and Assessing Candidates

The final stage is the process of documenting and assessing candidates. During this stage, panel members should develop a standardized evaluation form and assign individual tasks to each participant. 

Here is also the stage where they should decide how to collect and discuss based on individual assessments. 

Don’t forget to emphasize the importance of data confidentiality!

Challenges and Best Practices

Although you ensure you take all the steps and follow each stage there might still be challenges.

Addressing Biases and Stereotypes

One of them is addressing biases and stereotypes. That’s why it is crucial to have a diverse panel and a list of specific criteria they have to follow. 

Ensuring Panel Dynamics and Collaboration

Another challenge is to ensure panel dynamics. Our recommendation, which we already mentioned above, is to designate a chair to moderate it.

Continuous Improvement and Evaluation

Another challenge is to keep recruiters in a continuous improvement loop. You can design contexts in which panelists can offer each other feedback. 


Panel interviews are one of the best interview formats if you are hiring for a complex role that implies multiple nuances. As a recruiting agency, you can add it to your recruitment strategy and mix and match it with other interview formats for better outcomes.

Panel Interviews FAQ

How does a panel interview differ from a traditional one-on-one interview?

A panel interview involves multiple interviewers assessing the candidate simultaneously. 

Why is it important to have diverse perspectives on a panel during the recruitment process?

It is important to have diverse perspectives to avoid personal biases and unfair decisions.

What are the key considerations when selecting panel members for an interview?

When selecting a panel member, you should look into relevant experience, time availability, interviewing skills, ethical conduct, and collaboration skills.

How can biases and stereotypes be addressed and minimized during panel interviews?

Biases can be minimized during panel interviews by having a concrete list of criteria and a set of standardized questions for every candidate. 

What are some best practices for managing panel dynamics and fostering collaboration among panel members?

One of the best practices for managing panel dynamics is to designate a chair that can moderate the interview.

Written by
check LinkMatch Team
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