This article is part of the comprehensive guide on different Types of Interviews. Read our related content on Face-to-Face Interviews, Phone Interviews, Panel Interviews, and Behavioral Interviews.

With the rise of remote work due to the pandemic, there is an increasing preference among candidates for companies that offer full or partial remote working policies.  

We can also see a rise in the ‘’digital nomad’’ trend. Meaning people travel around the world while working.

These trends also impact the recruitment process. Recruiters have now to adapt and use technology-driven solutions to be able to evaluate and hire candidates. 

The Rise of Video Interviews

One of these solutions is video interviews.

Due to its many benefits, this evaluation tool is still one of the go-to ones, especially when looking for candidates that live abroad. 

Let’s see what are some of the benefits.

Benefits of video interviews for both recruiters and candidates

One of the main benefits of video interviews is convenience. Recruiters and candidates can participate in the interview no matter the location or time zone. This is beneficial mainly for companies that are looking to hire talent from other countries or cities. 

Moreover, video interviews are more efficient than one-to-one interviews since you can record the conversation and reassess it later on. This way, the recruiter can pay more attention to the conversation rather than being preoccupied to note down everything. 

Another benefit is that video interviews allow the recruiter to check for non-verbal cues. This is not possible for phone interviews, for example. 

And lastly, for companies that are interested in sustainability, video interviews have a reduced carbon footprint. 

Best Practices for Conducting Video Interviews

To conduct efficient video interviews there are 4 stages that recruiters should take into account. 

Preparing for the Interview

The first stage is to prepare for the interview. This means having clarity regarding the interview objectives and aligning with the hiring managers.

Structuring the Interview

The second stage is structuring the interview. Since the interview is via an online platform that has its limitations, it is important for recruiters to have a list of key points or questions that they are going to ask the candidate, 

Conducting the Interview

The third stage is conducting the interview. During the interview, the recruiters have to create rapport and a comfortable context.

Evaluating and Selecting Candidates

After the interview, the final stage is evaluating the candidates. For the evaluation process, it is essential to take notes or record the conversation. 

Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Fairness

Although video interviews have many benefits, there are also a couple of challenges that recruiters should be aware of.

One of them is related to technical difficulties. Since the interview takes place via a platform the recruiter has no control over, testing the platform before starting the call is important. 

Another one is the personal biases dilemma. Personal biases, such as confirmation bias, beauty bias, overconfidence, or influence, can manifest during interviews. To minimize them and ensure fair assessments, recruiters should incorporate structured scoring cards and use blind evaluation techniques. 

The Future of Video Interviews

No matter the challenges it is obvious that video interviews are here to stay. Video platforms are constantly growing, innovating, and adding more and more functionalities to accelerate the adoption of video interviews. 

Artificial intelligence and automation

One of the innovations is related to using Artificial Intelligence to help automate video calls. AI algorithms can analyze facial expressions, body language, and speech to identify if there are any subtle cues that can offer more insights into the candidate’s behavior. 

Plus, AI can be used to schedule calls and offer analytics after the video interview. 

Virtual reality and augmented reality in immersive remote assessments

Another innovation is using virtual and augmented reality for recruitment. These are amazing tools, especially for jobs that require a hands-on approach. Candidates would be able to use virtual tools to demonstrate their skills. 

Moreover, virtual reality can be used to train recruiters. Imagine being able to do a job interview simulation while being able to gather real-time insights. 


Video interviews are one of the most efficient and convenient evaluation tools for recruiters. 

Recruitment agencies should also consider the rise in technological innovation and integrate these tools into their recruitment process.

Video Interviews FAQ

What is the purpose of video interviews in the recruitment process?

The purpose of video interviews is to assess and evaluate candidates using a technological platform.

How do video interviews benefit both recruiters and candidates?

Video interviews are beneficial both for recruiters and candidates due to their flexibility, efficiency, and convenience. Both candidates and recruiters can jump on a call no matter the country or time zone.

What are some common challenges faced during video interviews and how can they be overcome?

Some common challenges related to video interviews are technological difficulties and personal biases.

Are video interviews fair and unbiased? What measures can be taken to ensure fairness?

Video interviews are not always unbiased. Recruiters can use standardized questions, blind recruitment techniques, or scorecards to reduce the probability of a biased decision.

What are the key considerations for recruiters when preparing and conducting video interviews?

Recruiters should prepare for the interview, structure the questions, take notes, and evaluate the candidate.

Written by
check LinkMatch Team
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